Trovati 13 livelli idrici aggiornati per 'Tombigbee'


Stazione Corpo d'acquaLivello idricoPortataMappa
Aberdeen Lock And Dam Tombigbee 163.518168 ft 1909.377 cfs
Bevill Lock And Dam Tombigbee 109.921984 ft 2389.104 cfs
Bigbee Tombigbee 5.248656 ft 947.452 cfs
Demopolis L&d Near Coatopa Tombigbee R 73.541208 ft 13994.332 cfs
Demopolis Lock And Dam Tombigbee 36.910496 ft
Gainesville Lock And Dam Tombigbee 77.37028 ft 842.611 cfs
Near Amory Tombigbee 11.706976 ft 3448.457 cfs
Near Coffeeville Tombigbee R Bl Coffeeville L&d 7.418048 ft
Near Coffeeville Dam Tombigbee 7.518088 ft 7666.807 cfs
Near Fulton Tombigbee 10.147336 ft 438.779 cfs
Near Leroy Tombigbee 6.03848 ft
Near Nanafalia Tombigbee 35.731008 ft 14693.978 cfs
Stennis Lock And Dam Tombigbee 136.585104 ft 3088.75 cfs